Classical mechanics Lecture 13 of 16

November 7, 2011 by M. Fabbrichesi

M. Fabbrichesi , SISSA

<span>In this lesson the professor study the equation of motion of the rigid body, he introduces the angular momentum and the kinetics energy of the rigid body and discuss the utility of tensor in physics. The definition of the moment of inertia tensor was given and it was shown how to calculate the momentum of inertia around a given axis. Then as an example it is calculated the moment of inertia of a ring and a disk of mass M and radius R. He calculates the eigenvalues of the inertia tensor and show the principal axis transformations. Then he obtain the Euler's equations of motion and start to discuss the problem of a heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed in this lesson he just obtain the Lagrangian while the complete solution of the problem is leaved for the next lesson. </span>

List of moments of inertia(Wikipedia)

List of moments of inertia

Some experiments of rolling cilinders and Gyroscopes

Lec 24 | 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999. Rolling Motion, moment of inertia, some experiments of rolling cilinders on inclined plane are made during this lesson - Gyroscopes - VERY NON-INTUITIVE

Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Part IIIn this lesson of the Yale university the professor begins with an explanation of the Parallel Axis Theorem and how it is applied in problems concerning rotation of rigid bodies. The moment of inertia of a disk is discussed as a demonstration of the theorem. Angular momentum and angular velocity are examined in a variety of problems.

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Classical mechanics

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